Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Loved looking at the book lovers wiki at Princeton [you can see where my abiding interests lay]
It would be great to do something for our local readers about items available in our small corner of the world.
Wikis are a huge learning curve for me but what a great resource and recreati0nal tool.

Monday, March 24, 2008

finally and with help put p/house photo of the day on blog and did the bloglines thingy -

Blue hills

Blue hills
Originally uploaded by barbara.kentwell
this is not my outlook but I finally did it!

Monday, March 17, 2008

4th week and no better

Have been in bloglines and can see the wonderful idea rss is/are but could not find out how to put powerhouse photo of the day to my feed.............
still bewildered - 15 minutes a day HA.
bewildered blogger

Monday, March 3, 2008

flikr????????? and flowers

can really see how this concept would be wonderful for libraries - photos relating to events, activities, news etc. At our library even the wonderful collection of historical photographs would be easily available to any interested person. Here's to see if I can upload something? - didn't/couldn't get/pick up picture.